Well-I-AM Boys
Equip your son with knowledge and skills to navigate and take control of his emotional wellbeing.
Please note there are only 12 places available, book in ASAP so you don’t miss out!
Our enrolment form is at the bottom of this page.
Program Info
Well-I-AM Boys – an 8 week emotional wellbeing program for boys, facilitated by Well Education - INFO
There are 5 core areas of wellbeing that are taught over the 8 weeks, including:1. Confidence
2. Resilience
3. Self-worth
4. Nutrition
5. Physical activityThese core areas will assist your son to build confidence, resilience and self-worth, enabling him to identify and admire the unique characteristics that make him so wonderfully awesome and valuable, while also providing the knowledge and guidance to make smart nutritional choices and develop positive physical activity habits.
There is a focus on controlling emotions, including anger, and reactions to emotions, including physical reactions. There is also a focus on relationships and plenty of education about the negative emotional effects of gaming and device overuse.
Weekly sessions integrate mindfulness practices and physical activities to further develop self-awareness, coping strategies and physical wellbeing. Movement and stretching is utilised to encourage the boys to slow down and nurture their bodies. Many boys focus their physical energy on strength and endurance, not understanding the vital role stretching plays in both their mind and body.
Well-I-AM is an intimate program, enabling the lessons to be personalised for the specific needs of your son.
Term 4 – Thurdays
13 October-1 December 2022TIME
YWCA Hunter, 24 Dawson St, Cooks Hill NSW 2300- COST
FREE – Funded by the NSW Government - SUITABLE FOR
Boys in grade 5 or 6 FACILITATOR
Laura Collison, Well Education- BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL
Please complete enrolment form below. Please note there are only 12 places available. You will be advised if your enrolment application is successful.
Enrolment Form
Fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you ASAP. Or give us a call on 02 4929 2954 and one of our staff will be happy to help!